Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) is proud to hold the 5th Iranian International Conference on Microelectronics with the participation of Iranian elites inside and outside the country and with the support of the Best universities on October 25 to 26 2023 in Tehran.
The executive committee of the conference invites all researchers, experts, specialists, and industrialists active in universities, industries, and organizations related to the design technology, manufacturing, testing, and application of systems and electronic integrated circuits to submit their papers that contain the latest scientific findings in the subject areas of the conference to the conference secretariat with the following web address:
At the same time as the conference, key lectures will be given by scientists from universities around the world. Along with the conference, educational workshops, exhibitions, specialized roundtables, and scientific and industrial competitions will also be held. This conference is licensed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the accepted papers will have valid international indexes.
As in previous IICM conferences, upon approval of the conference by IEEE, English-accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE
Executive Secretary of the 5th Iranian International Conference on Microelectronics
Start of Paper Submission
2023-07-06Paper Submission Deadline
2023-08-13Notification of Paper Acceptance
2023-09-13Final Manuscript Submission